Deploying The Bot

Here is the complete instructions to Deploy Your Bot In Local Environment (VPS,PC etc.) or in Heroku

Deploy in Local Environment

Cloning The Repository,

First we need to clone the CallsMusic-Plus Repository to Your PC. To do that Open up a new terminal window and run the following command.

$ git clone

If You didn't installed git yet please run sudo apt install git to Install it.

Installing Requirements,

We need to install all the necessary libraries to run the bot.

Install Python,

$ sudo apt install software-properties-common
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa
$ sudo apt install python3.9

Install ffmpeg,

$ sudo apt install ffmpeg

Install All Other Requirements,

First enter the cloned git repository dir. To do that please run cd Callsmusic-Plus . The run the following command.

$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Run The Bot,

Before doing this please go ahead and fill with your own values. (Read this if you don't know how to get config values). After That Run the following command.


Done ✅! You have finally hosted your bot, Enjoy!

Deploy in Heroku,

Well, to host in Heroku you don't need to do big things :D

Click On The Deploy Button,

Filling Configs,

You must fill all required configs with your own values. If you don't know how to get those please click here.

Done ✅! You have finally hosted your bot, Enjoy!

Last updated